Page 19 - WCHG Summary Social Impact Report 2021
P. 19

40(59) local residents
(9 871)
Social Impact Report 2021
25 (80) colleagues volunteered
hours to support Real Neighbours activities (46)
calls during the year 19 Charities and community organisations (11)
£12 760
Sports clubs (8)
£16 435
Social groups (5)
£2 817
In addition a a a a a a a further £10 000
was made available to to to the the Youth Panel to to to award to to to local projects benefiting young people
In response to the the pandemic members of the the the the local community came together to to support their neighbours 130
hours to support the community Telephone buddying scheme volunteered
As a a a a response to to the the pandemic we established
a a a a a a a telephone buddying scheme to to to to support the the local community In addition to to to providing company to to to those feeling lonely the volunteer buddies identified situations where additional support was required e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e g g deliveries
of food parcels or or hot meals Many volunteers volunteers were already involved with Real Neighbours others responded to to requests for volunteers volunteers on on on social media Volunteers welcomed the the the the opportunity to to to to continue to to give their time to to support others especially as as many usual voluntary activities were were cancelled Christmas hampers were were donated to to to all of the the the volunteers to to to to to thank them for their their support however some chose to to to to to gift the the the the the hamper on to to to their their buddy or or or to to to others in need “We talk about all sorts of things from our lives and we have a a a a a right laugh I enjoy her calls ”
Community grants
Throughout the year we continued to to provide grants
to to a a a a a a a a range of community and voluntary groups across Wythenshawe A total of £44 634 was awarded:
Neighbourhood groups (9)
£9 778
volunteer buddies supported
“Thank you again I think these projects are wonderful and and really need the driving force and and co-ordination of people
like you ”
local residents
had new volunteer inductions
5 474
25 people
on a a a regular basis

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