Page 30 - Wythenshawe Annual Report 2020
P. 30

How we Performed
“We welcome the involvement of tenants in reviewing our services ”
Delivering high quality services designed to to meet our our customers’ needs is our our priority During the year 1 503
hours involved in in in in in tenant scrutiny inspecting services and measuring performance
Regularly measuring our performance
against targets seeking feedback from customers and benchmarking our achievements against other similar housing groups is all part of our drive for continual improvement We are proud to operate at at upper quartile levels which means we compare positively against others and we we welcome the the involvement of tenants in in reviewing our services Excellence in customer service Once again we we were awarded the prestigious Customer Service Excellence accredition (CSE) this time
with some outstanding results CSE is about showing that customers are truly at the heart of your business – something we strongly advocate We were first awarded this prestigious accreditation in 2013 and have worked hard to retain it year year on
year year as as a a a a a a measure of our dedication to to customer service excellence Measuring performance
Our robust performance
measurement framework is built around three main elements:
• Customer satisfaction which is is captured regularly through surveys events and activities • Key Performance
Indicators which are monitored monthly and set out how we are performing across all sections of the group • Financial data which helps us understand the costs of our our services and ensures our our growth is sustainable and that we offer value for money Our Business Intelligence System called Qlik uses a a a a dashboard which allows us us to review performance
satisfaction and cost together alongside benchmarking and trend analysis Performance
information is reported to our Leadership Team and Board 

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