Important information about your bin collections.
Some of your bins have not been emptied on your usual days recently and this is due to staff shortages relating to COVID-19 and a national shortage of HGV drivers.
If the bins on your street are not emptied on your usual day - please leave yours out and one of MCC's crews will aim to return the day after.
If your bin still isn’t emptied at the end of the day following your usual day, you can report a missed collection.
Green food and garden recycling bins are being collected every two weeks - on the same day as your grey general waste bins.
Food and garden recycling will only be collected if it is inside the correct bin.
Grey/black and brown bin collections are continuing as normal.
Please squash / flatten your recycling as much as possible to fit more in your correct bins.
You can also take recycling and waste to a Household Waste Recycling Centre (tip).
There is more information and advice on our website
If you know anyone who doesn’t have internet access, or has accessibility needs, please tell them about these current arrangements.
Our crews are trying hard to make sure all rubbish is removed and have worked weekends to catch up.
Thank you for your cooperation and patience as we deal with an unprecedented situation.