Let’s End Hate Crime.
Manchester's annual Hate Crime Awareness Week takes place from 8 -14 February 2016, when the new Manchester hate Crime strategy 2016-2019 will be launched.
The city will play host to a full calendar of community events celebrating diversity and raising awareness of hate crime and hate crime third party reporting centres.
If you've been a victim of hate crime, or if you know someone who has, there are lots of different ways to report it. You can call GMP on 101, call Manchester City Council on 08000 830007 or you can report it online via True Vision at report-it.org.uk.
Hate crimes and incidents can be reported by anyone, witnesses and victims. And if you want to remain anonymous, you can.
You can also report hate crime and access advice and support services at hate crime reporting centres across Manchester. To find your nearest reporting centre visit makingmanchestersafer.com