Local people want more homes so let’s get Metro Mayor building, says WCHG
Wythenshawe Community Housing Group (WCHG) is campaigning for Greater Manchester’s first ever Metro Mayor to prioritise housing and deliver the affordable homes local people have said their area desperately needs.
WCHG is partnering the National Housing Federation to push housing to the top of the political agenda ahead of the mayoral election on Thursday 4 May.
New research has identified housing as a top priority for voters in Greater Manchester, where there has also been a distinct move away from traditional NIMBY attitudes towards housebuilding.
40% of voters in the city region believe the new mayor should prioritise plans for new housing in the first 100 days of office, while the National Housing Federation has found that public support for more affordable homes in the North West is now as strong as in London.
Greater Manchester’s new mayor will assume new powers relating to housing, planning and infrastructure. He or she will also have the chance to champion housing policy and seek further devolution of funding and flexibilities from central Government.
The public campaign, which launched today, is being run by the National Housing Federation and the Greater Manchester Housing Providers (GMHP).
It will call on all six mayoral candidates to sign up and pledge their support for everyone across Greater Manchester to live in a home they can afford. The need for affordable housing in Wythenshawe has never been greater.
Group Chief Executive Nigel Wilson said,”We are calling on all six mayoral candidates and local politicians to commit to working with us and our sector to tackle the area’s around the housing crisis and deliver the homes this area needs.”
Wythenshawe Community Housing Group (WCHG) was formed in April 2013, providing over 14,000 affordable quality homes to over 20,000 people. As a responsible housing provider we are committed to tackling the national housing crisis by developing 690 new homes with an investment of £86m. These new affordable, quality homes are much more than just bricks and mortar they will provide the building blocks to leaving a lasting sustainable legacy for the Wythenshawe community.
Our impressive development programme will provide hundreds to new homes and support those most in need and those who would otherwise not be able to afford their own home.
A series of public events will run during March to showcase how local housing providers are building homes, creating jobs and boosting the wellbeing of people across Greater Manchester.
Between them, they own and manage a quarter of a million homes across Greater Manchester and one in every five in the city region.
Housing providers have built over a third of all new housing stock in the area between 2011 and 2015 (more than 8,000 new homes) and have clear ambitions to work with the new Mayor to deliver even more.
We need your support, we want the new mayor for Greater Manchester, the candidates, council leaders, councillors and MPs, as well as people across Greater Manchester to sign up to the campaign, calling for everyone in Greater Manchester to live in a home they can afford.
Complete the form on the link below to add your support to this campaign.