Real Neighbours Wythenshawe Time Bank launch- 4th March

Give a little, gain a lot!

Wythenshawe Community Housing Group is proud to announce the launch Real Neighbours Wythenshawe Time Bank to be held on 4th March 11am facilitated at Woodhouse Park Lifestyle Centre.

Could you spare an hour to plant some bulbs, bake a cake or visit an elderly neighbour? Do you already volunteer in Wythenshawe?

A ‘time bank’ is a way for local people to use their volunteer hours as a currency. The launch will celebrate the work volunteers already do across Wythenshawe and launch a new way of growing our community spirit.

Helping to launch the new Time Bank will be Mike Kane MP. There’ll be a buffet and refreshments as well as a demonstration of the Time Bank system.

When? Friday 4th March 2016, 11am - 3pm
Where? Woodhouse Park Lifestyle Centre

This is a first for Wythenshawe, great if you were interested in joining us to find out more.

The event will provide volunteers the chance to see how they can get something back from volunteering, bringing back real community spirit.

Sarah Klueter Assistant Director of Community Investment said “There are hundreds of ways you can get involved in volunteering in Wythenshawe, from reading with a child to gardening or helping out at the local food bank. This new scheme means you get to choose when you want to volunteer, what you want to do and for how long. It makes getting involved in local community life simple and fun!”

Real Neighbours

Real Neighbours Wythenshawe Time Bank launch-  4th March