The Bread & Butter Thing

WCHG’s Wythenshawe Foodbank have set up a new discount food membership partnership scheme called ‘The Bread and Butter Thing’ with deliveries commencing 15/11/19.

It's an offer of heavily discounted surplus food from supermarkets etc. (good food that would otherwise go to landfill), for people who can afford to pay for a weekly order (£7 = 3 full shopping bags). There's no choice of items, but in return people get a lot for their money.

WCHG hopes it will be an offer that provides a step-up from the emergency and free community food we offer through Wythenshawe Foodbank, for people who are not in immediate crisis but are on low or insecure food budgets.

For more information check out the attached flyer:

The Bread & Butter Thing