Volunteer Agreement

The intention of this agreement is to assure you that we appreciate your volunteering with us and to indicate our commitment to do the best we can to make your volunteer experience with us a positive and rewarding one.

While volunteering in the Real Neighbours Wythenshawe network, volunteers and the WCHG Resident Involvement Team are expected to adhere to certain standards and behaviours as outlined below.

WCHG agrees to:

  • Encourage a positive and supportive volunteering experience.
  • Show appreciation for volunteers.
  • The provision of an ID badge to help identify you as a volunteer.
  • The explanation of any relevant policies around volunteering.
  • Explain the rights and responsibilities of colleagues and volunteers if something goes wrong.
  • The arrangement of relevant training.
  • Offer opportunities for personal development.
  • The arrangement of a DBS check where necessary. This will be paid for by WCHG.
  • The payment of any out-of-pocket expenses.
  • In-person support at groups where necessary.
  • Provide advice, coordination and direction. Such as, assisting with your group becoming constituted.
  • The resolution of low-level disputes through mediation.
  • The provision of a reference for work or education purposes. (This is reserved for those who have volunteered for a minimum of six months).
  • Provide safe working conditions and up to date risk assessments.
  • Insure volunteering activities.
  • Challenge any discrimination at its voluntary groups

Volunteers agree to the below:


  • Arrive at your volunteering opportunity on time and well prepared.
  • If you need to cancel a volunteering appointment, inform a member of the Resident Involvement Team or a member of staff at the location of your volunteering activity (and your fellow volunteers where possible) promptly so that staff and volunteers can plan accordingly.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

  • Do not discriminate on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, or sexual orientation. This includes the use of discriminatory language.
  • Always treat other volunteers, community members and WCHG staff with respect. Make others feel welcome, safe, and included in the group.

Attitude and Behaviour

  • Always attempt to follow instructions and provide a good service.
  • Work as a team and communicate with your fellow volunteers in a positive way.
  • Volunteers are encouraged to align with WCHG's values.


  • Do not use social media to bully or harass fellow volunteers, community members or WCHG staff.
  • Use volunteering communication tools(e.g., WhatsApp group chats) appropriately i.e. do not use them to insult fellow volunteers or initiate arguments.

Confidentiality/Data Protection

  • Read and operate within WCHG's Data Protection Policy. Complete WCHG's Data Protection training.
  • Do not share another volunteer or community member's personal information with others without their consent.
  • Do not collect or share sensitive information about another volunteer or community member without their consent.
  • Report any potential breaches of the above to a relevant member of WCHG staff.
  • Maintain confidentiality of any information received regarding WCHG during my volunteering.


  • Read and operate within WCHG's Safeguarding Policy. Complete WCHG's Safeguarding training.
  • If you are concerned about someone's safety or wellbeing, speak with a relevant WCHG staff member or appropriate authorities.
  • You may be required to assist in the creation of an If In Doubt Shout referral.

Health and Safety

  • Read and operate within WCHG's Health and Safety Policy. Complete WCHG's Health and Safety training.
  • Adhere to the relevant Risk Assessment for your voluntary group.
  • Report any health and safety concerns to a relevant member of WCHG or partner organisation staff so that the Risk Assessment may be updated. You may be required to assist in the completion of Accident or Near Miss reports.


  • Complete EDI, data protection, health and safety and safeguarding training as well as any other mandatory training which WCHG is deemed relevant to your group.

Drug-free volunteering

  • You should not volunteer while under the influence of recreational drugs or alcohol.
  • You should not possess or distribute recreational drugs or alcohol while volunteering.

Political Neutrality

  • You may also not use your volunteering position to promote a political party or candidate, including yourself.
  • If you become a political candidate while volunteering, the Resident Involvement Team may ask you to leave your volunteering position.

Termination of Agreement

The voluntary nature of your involvement means that you can stop volunteering at any time. Where possible, please try to inform the Volunteer Coordinator of your intention to stop volunteering with at least one week's notice.

  • If there has been no engagement from you for a period of 6 months, we will write to you to determine whether you wish to remain in our volunteer pool or if your circumstances have changed.
  • WCHG may elect to terminate this agreement in cases of consistent or severe breaches of the expectations outlined in this agreement.
  • The Volunteering Agreement can be cancelled at any time by either party - there is no legally binding contract in place.

This agreement is an evolving document which we hope to continually improve. Please try to re-read the document when requested to do so. We hugely value feedback from volunteers and residents. If you have any suggestions, please send them to volunteer@wchg.org.uk.

Register as a volunteer

To register as a volunteer, please click here.