Easy tips to stay warm in winter

Keeping warm doesn’t have to be expensive. From layering up to using your heating effectively, there are plenty of easy and affordable ways to keep your home warm this winter, and we are here to help if you have any issues.

Keeping your home warm:

  • Bleed your radiators. If your radiator has cold spots, it might have trapped air. Letting the air out helps it heat up properly. Also, make sure to move any furniture that blocks your radiators to allow the heat to circulate around your rooms.
  • Use draught excluders. Either buy some and place them in gaps around doors or windows, or make them yourself by stuffing old socks and tights with rice or pasta to weigh it down.
  • Keep your oven open after cooking. The heat used to cook a meal can be used to warm up the house if you leave the door open afterwards.
  • Set your thermostat between 18°C and 21°C to stay warm and healthy. Try scheduling it to turn on 30 minutes before you wake up and 30 minutes before bedtime. This keeps you comfy without using too much energy.
  • Close curtains when the sun sets, keep windows shut at night and close doors in rooms you’re not in. This will keep the heat in and your home warmer.


Keep yourself warm:

  • Wear layers. Extra jumpers or thermal clothing beneath your clothes will trap heat between layers and keep your body warm.
  • Wear thermal socks and/or slippers at home. Trapping heat where it’s exposed the most will help regulate your body temperature.
  • Have at least one hot meal a day, and regular meals throughout the day. This will keep up your energy and make it easier for your body to retain heat.
  • Keep moving throughout the day, whether it’s inside or outside the house. Sitting still for too long won’t let your body generate heat, so try to move around at a minimum of every hour.


Check your heating system:

If you find that you have no heating or hot water, there are a few things you can check.

  • Check if the boiler is showing an error code. If your boiler shows an F1 code, for example F1 E119, check your pre-payment meter. Top it up if needed by following the on-screen instructions and make sure the supply is on. If you have issues, contact your energy supplier for help.
  • Reset the boiler. Press and hold the reset button or turn the dial to reset for 5-10 seconds and release. The boiler should begin to reset.
  • Check the boiler settings. They need to be set to Heating and Hot Water. If the boiler still isn’t working, write down the make, model and the error code on the boiler and contact the Customer Hub. They will need this information to arrange a callout.
  • Check the water has not been turned off or frozen at the stop tap or water meter. Also check if the water is off in your area by asking a neighbour. Finally, check with the water utility company by calling them or checking their website.
  • Check pipes in severe cold weather conditions. Your pipes or stop taps can be found on an outside wall from your boiler. If you notice they’re frozen in cold weather, contact our Customer Hub.


Boiler still not working?

If your boiler still isn't working, please arrange a callout by calling our Customer Hub on 0800 633 5500. For emergency repairs, we always follow the 24-hour emergency process.

Please note: If you cannot get your boiler on, but you have a separate shower for bathing and a fire for another form of heating, then you may not be able to have an emergency appointment unless you meet the criteria on emergency repairs.

If you can smell gas, call the National Gas Emergency Service on 0800 111 999.


Are you feeling stress about money or need help with bills?

If you, or someone you know, is having trouble paying rent or bills, don’t suffer in silence. We’re here to advise and support.

We can help with:

  • Claiming benefits and handling appeals
  • Understanding what benefits you can claim if you’re changing jobs or starting work (we use a Better Off Calculator)
  • Getting debt advice and finding more support
  • Energy advice and help with grant applications
  • Referrals to food banks and pantries

Paying your rent is important and we’re here to support you. If you need advice about money, benefits, bills, or if you’re struggling to make a payment, please phone us on 0300 111 0000. You can also email us at moneyadvice@wchg.org.uk


Local support

We work with local organisations that offer support services, including food banks, clothing banks, community groceries, warm hubs, and social activities. You can find a helpful map of local support here.

Easy tips to stay warm in winter