Flu immunisation campaign 2017
1. Myth busting
The flu vaccine will not give you flu — it does not contain any live viruses, so it can’t cause flu. You may get a slight temperature and aching muscles for a couple of days afterwards, and your arm may feel a bit sore where you had the injection. Flu jabs are very safe. www.nhs.uk/staywell
Is your child age 2, 3 or 4? Protect them from flu. Flu can be horrible for little children and it can spread around the whole family. The flu vaccine is a quick and easy nasal spray. It’s also free. It is not a live virus and can’t cause flu. visit: www.nhs.uk/child-flu
Are you pregnant? Protect yourself and your baby against flu.
Reduce your risk of serious complications such as pneumonia, particularly in the later stages of pregnancy. The flu vaccine will not give you flu — it does not contain any live viruses, so it cannot cause flu. Flu jabs are very safe. www.nhs.uk/staywell
Looking after someone who can’t get by without your help?
Keeping yourself well is really important. That’s why unpaid carers are offered a free flu jab The flu vaccine will not give you flu — it does not contain any live viruses, so it cannot cause flu. Flu jabs are very safe. www.nhs.uk/staywell
2. Not too late
It’s not too late to get the flu vaccine. The flu virus is still active and causing illness, it’s still not too late to be vaccinated. Getting vaccinated now can still help you and your family avoid the virus for the next few months. Children aged two to four, pregnant women, carers and other groups can get the flu vaccine free. www.nhs.uk/staywell
Do you have an underlying health condition? Cold weather can make you more likely to catch a winter illness. It’s not too late to have the flu vaccine, take action now and help you all avoid the virus for the next few months. www.nhs.uk/staywell
All pregnant women should have the flu vaccine to protect themselves and their babies. It can be given safely at any stage of pregnancy, from conception onwards. It’s not too late to have the flu vaccine, take action now and help you all avoid the virus for the next few months.www.nhs.uk/staywell
Is your child age 2, 3 or 4? Protect them from flu. Flu can be horrible for little children and it can spread around the whole family. The flu vaccine is a quick and easy nasal spray. . It’s not too late to have the flu vaccine, take action now and help you all avoid the virus for the next few months.visit: www.nhs.uk/child-flu
3. Recent outbreaks
In Manchester, there have been recent outbreaks of flu. Take action now — get the flu vaccine. Protect yourself and your family. Getting vaccinated now can still help you all avoid the virus for the next few months. Children aged two to four, pregnant women, carers and other groups can get the flu vaccine free. www.nhs.uk/staywell
4. Good match
The flu vaccine is a good match. It’s not too late to get the flu vaccine. The flu virus is still active and causing illness, it’s not too late to be vaccinated. Children aged two to four, pregnant women, carers and other groups can get the flu vaccine free. www.nhs.uk/staywell