Application for Mutual Exchange Form

Thank you for considering making an application to exchange homes. Please note that for a mutual exchange to be considered both exchange partners must complete and submit the below form. Please aim to submit these on the same day, if submitted separately this can impact on the 42 day decision.

Please take note of the following:

  • We have 42 days from the date received to decide on whether your request can be approved.
  • If WCHG has an active notice or court order for rent, ASB or for any other reason then you cannot exchange
  • If you are overcrowded or will be under occupying by more than one bed space your exchange application may not be approved.
  • If your property is adapted for your needs or your proposed exchange partner’s property is adapted for their needs then your exchange application may not be approved.
  • All repairs identified must be reported prior to the exchange and the property should be left clean and clear for the incoming exchange partner.
  • Should you fail to disclose any significant repairs or leave the property clean and clear, this may result in you being re-charged for all goods left.
  • If your housing officer feels it is appropriate, a Surveyors Inspection may be requested.
  •  We may arrange for a financial assessment to be completed to ensure that the exchange property is affordable for you.
  • Minor electric safety check has to be completed prior to exchange
  • Full Gas and Electric safety checks will be completed following exchange
  • Please be aware that exchanging tenancies can have an impact on your tenancy rights, including the potential loss of your Right to Buy. Before you proceed with your exchange please speak to your Neighbourhood Officer for advice, they can be contacted on 0800 633 5500.

What you will need to do:

  • You will need to complete a full visual inspection of the property you are exchanging into, as you will be accepting the property ‘as seen’. Only in exceptional circumstances will a Surveyors Inspection be arranged.
  • You must provide 2 references if you are exchanging outside of the area, one reference must be from your current landlord.
  • Your rent account should be clear of all rent arrears and court costs.
  • You should have no outstanding rechargeable repair amounts.
  • There are no reports of anti-social behaviour.
  • You will need to be available for all appointments made.
  • Leave your current property clean and clear, including loft space and any outbuildings.

If you still wish to apply to exchange homes please complete the following:

Please make sure you fill in all the required (*) fields of this form for it to successfully send through to us.


  • SECTION A – Your Details

  • NameDate of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY)National Ins NoRelationship to you 
    You must click the add button to add the line to the form. If the moving group is a single person you do not need to fill in this box
  • Exchange partners details:

    Please ensure each section is completed in full:
  • NameDate of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY)National Ins NoRelationship to you 
    You must click the add button to add the line to the form. if the moving group is a single person you do not need to fill in this box
    I understand that WCHG will need to use my personal data for the purposes of managing this application and I am aware of WCHG's privacy notice which outlines in more detail how WCHG may process my personal data