WCHG Youth Involvement Team Online Form

WCHG Youth and Play Partnership 

The youth and play partnership is designed to provide local young people with the opportunity to engage in fun activities based on sport, arts & crafts and skills for life, in small groups, whilst adhering to Government guidelines around COVID-19. As part of our ongoing commitment to encourage healthy lifestyles and support this, where possible participants at each session will be provided with healthy snacks and drinks.

We have a range of sessions available for different ages and abilities, when registering we can send you information on all of our available sessions. This is FREE provision for all young people aged 6-19 years (up to 25 with additional needs).

Please note you need to fill out the below form for your child/young person to access sessions. Once you have submitted the form, they can drop in to any open access session or you can contact the Youth team to let us know when they would like to come in.

Youth team email: youthinvolvement@wchg.org.uk

Further information

For further information on how we handle personal data, and your rights, please visit www.wchg.org.uk/privacy-notice/ or contact the Data Protection Officer at Wythenshawe Community Housing Group, Wythenshawe House, 8 Poundswick Lane, Wythenshawe, Manchester M22 9TA or information.governance@wchg.org.uk.

Please note – if you don’t see the ‘Thank you for submitting’ screen and the form is still showing, then you will need to go back through the form and check you have filled in all the required (*) fields or it won’t be submitted. Thank you

WCHG Youth Involvement Team Registration Form

  • Important: The email address will be kept securely on our systems, and will only be used to send out our e-newsletter for young people. They will be able to opt-out of the newsletter at any time by clicking "unsubscribe" in each email.
    For further information read our privacy notice..
  • Please note – if you don’t see the ‘Thank you for submitting’ screen and the form is still showing, then you will need to go back through the form and check you have filled in all the required (*) fields or it won’t be submitted. Thank you