Repairs and Maintenance

Adaptations are things which could help you in or around your home and assist you with your independence. All adaptation requests would be referred to Manchester Services for Independent Living (MSIL) for an initial assessment by the Primary Assessment Team for equipment or minor adaptations.

If a major adaptation is required a further assessment will be carried out by the Complex Assessment Team. There are two kinds of adaptations – minor and major.

Minor adaptations

Minor adaptations are small items such as grab rails, lever taps and handrails.

Charges for minor adaptations

The cost of this work will be paid by Wythenshawe Community Housing Group (WCHG) and will be carried out by WCHG's contractors.

Major adaptations

Major adaptations are large scale works such as wet rooms, stair lifts or adapted kitchens. Any work of this nature would be referred to MSIL for formal assessment by an Occupational Therapist.   If an adaptation is approved you may get a Disabled Facilities Grant. These grants are means tested and you may need to pay for some of the work yourself.

Charges for major adaptations

Any work considered necessary by the Occupational Therapist may be considered eligible for a Disabled Facilities grant. If you are a tenant our Adaptations Officer applies for the grant funding on your behalf you do not have to do anything.

Further information

To find out more about this service please contact our Adaptations Team on our Freephone telephone number 0800 633 5500 / 0300 111 0000