United Utilities Trust Fund

United Utilities Trust Fund provides financial help to those in debt and financial hardship. The trust can give a financial grant towards the cost of your water arrears and other household bills or goods that doesn’t need to be paid back.

The Trust Fund will pay your water bills, other essential bills, household needs and priority bills. For example you may get help paying for a new fridge or cooker and clear your water bill.

How to apply

You need to complete an application form and return to the United Utilities Trust fund along with the required documents.

You can get an application from them by;

Telephone: 0845 179 1791
Online: www.uutf.org.uk

Help completing the form

If you need help filling in the form and checking documents, ring Manchester Community Legal Advice Centre on 08444 111 222 or Wythenshawe Law Centre on 0161 498 0905.