Our Panels are joint project teams between tenants and staff of the Group. We meet regularly depending on the panel and information is shared in-between these meetings. Sometimes we work on special projects and your involvement can be varied.
The aim of the panels teams is to work together so that residents can provide scrutiny of our performance and to work with us to deliver all of our business changes together. A great way to find out what is going on in the business, be ambassadors for your local community and make a real difference.
The opportunity for you to:
- Gain new skills
- Gain new confidence
- Learn more about housing
- Free training to help increase your knowledge so that you can become the best panel member
Listed below are the Terms of Reference for each Panel.
- Great Places Panel Terms of Reference
- Living Well Panel Terms of Reference
- More Homes Panel Terms of Reference
- Smarter Business Panel Terms of Reference
With all the panels we will try and get, on a regular basis, guest speakers from around the business and keep you updated with different projects.
Interested? Email or give us a call.
Contact the team on 0161 946 6315 or email
We also have the Community Grants Panel :
- Reviewing and approval of grant applications from local groups
- Contributing to the annual report for the grants panel
- Possible site visits to potential applicants
- Meet every 2 months
- Make decisions on where money is invested in your community
Separate page here with more info: Community Development Grants - WCHG
We try to work around our tenants as we understand that you might have other obligations.
If you can’t make every meeting, we do want to share information online and can email you with meetings and any information needed.
Please read our terms of reference as well but don’t hesitate to give us a call or email if you want to find out more.
Contact the team on 0161 946 6315 or email
We will be happy to discuss these further with you.